High-Risk GI Clinic

University Cancer & Blood Center and University Health Alliance
Often individuals may not experience symptoms of gastrointestinal (GI) cancers until the disease has progressed significantly. However, like with most cancers, GI cancers offer the best chances for successful treatment when identified in their early stages. That’s why it’s important to be aware of your health history, family history, and risk factors associated with GI cancer development.

The High-Risk Clinic at UCBC & UHA collaborates closely with patients who possess underlying pre-cancerous conditions or genetic predispositions that elevate their susceptibility to GI cancers — such as pancreatic, colorectal, or gastric cancers.

Do You Have an Elevated Risk of Developing GI Cancer?

Some factors that increase your risk:

  • Helicobacter Pylori/ulcers
  • Liver Cirrhosis
  • Chronic Pancreatitis
  • Pancreatic Cysts
  • Precancerous GI polyps
  • Fatty Liver Disease
  • Indeterminate liver lesions
  • Family History of GI diseases and cancer
  • Inherited cancer risk/gene mutation

What Can I Expect as a High-Risk Patient

Our team of experts are ready to provide you with individualized care. We offer GI cancer risk assessments, screening, and surveillance care that’s custom-fit just for you. We work alongside you to provide personalized care and adjust your plans according to your unique needs and risk factors.

  • A complete evaluation and examination by our dedicated specialists
  • A detailed GI Risk Assessment
  • A specific plan for GI cancer screening and surveillance plan
  • Genetic counseling and testing

Early Detection for GI Cancer Is Crucial

The High-Risk GI Clinic combines state-of-the-art technology with expert clinical supervision for earlier detection of GI Cancer.

Our full-scale approach includes:

  • Imaging
  • Detailed history and physical
  • Risk reduction strategies to include healthy behaviors, medications, and/or surgeries
  • Formal genetic counseling when appropriate

We offer a wide range of diagnostic and treatment services all in one location.

Do I need a referral in the program? No, while you may be referred by your physician, you can also refer yourself by calling (706) 715-2006. Please bring your insurance card, photo ID, list of all medications, and a detailed family history with you to your appointment.

Your High-Risk GI Team

Minesh Mehta, MD

Minesh Mehta, MD


Vikas Sangwan, MD

Vikas Sangwan, MD


James Griffin, MD

James Griffin, MD

Surgical Oncologist

Contact Us for High-Risk GI Clinic

To schedule an appointment, contact us today at 706.715.2006.